"I hate January. It’s dark and freezing and everyone’s wearing bulky coats. You can do some serious subway flirting before realizing the guy is homeless."
Liz Lemon and I definitely have the same stance on January, although my opportunities for subway flirting are far fewer. This was the quote in my 30 Rock daily calendar for today that Chels gave me for Christmas. Yay cousins!
Last night (being Tuesday night, it's all after midnight right now and throwing things off...) I made some excellent beef manicotti and didn't even think to take a picture until I was halfway through devouring the last one. Oh well. Maybe I'll get better at documenting the more I post. I just thought it would be delicious to put a picture in here.
Today (being Wednesday), Casey and I got very little done, and yet we still had a sense of accomplishment by the time Casey left for work before 2. We got his hair cut, car washed (it was a MESS from our weekend Colorado trip), strolled through Target (left with Hunger Games), and grabbed lunch at P.F. Changs. I do love those silly crab wontons. I usually hate crab, but for some reason their wontons just make life grand.
Then Casey left for work, I pretended to clean the apartment, watched an episode of Lost, an episode of Histeria!, repaired a torn hot pad, and left for work myself. Honestly, if it weren't for my job, I never would have even tried to watch the BYU vs SDSU game, but it was kind of awesome. The best part was the very end when the entire restaurant (packed full, the fire marshall would have done us in) sang the fight song at the end of the game. Go Cougars!
And now, here I am, now at 1 a.m., blogging about it all. Progress!
I am a little hungry, but I really don't like eating this late. Hmmm..... too bad. I just remembered there are granola bars and bagels. One of these will suffice. For now...
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